
Diabetes can affect a woman’s sexual health: Know how to deal with it

Diabetes can affect a woman’s sexual health: Know how to deal with it

Sexual dysfunction in diabetic women is not as common as it is in men. But it does affect around 35 per cent of women with diabetes. It may manifest as painful sex and you may experience a low libido. But sexual problems related to diabetes can be easily treated.
According to a study in University of Chicago Medical Center, many middle-aged and older adults with diabetes are sexually active. Almost 70 per cent of partnered men with diabetes and 62 per cent of partnered women with diabetes engaged in sexual activity two or three times a month, say researchers. But the disease took a toll on both the desire and the rewards of sexual activity. Men diagnosed with diabetes were more likely to express a lack of interest in sex and to experience erectile dysfunction. Both men and women reported a higher rate of orgasm difficulties, such as climaxing too quickly (men) or not at all (men and women). Only 19 per cent of women with diagnosed diabetes discussed their sexual problems with a physician. The journal Diabetes Care published this study.
The causes of sexual issues for women with diabetes are not very clear. Experts say that the problems are more complex to treat than in men. But they say that nerve damage and slow blood flow to vaginal and genital tissues may be the reasons. According to them, mood and hormone may also play a major part. Other reasons could be side-effects of medications, alcohol abuse, smoking and psychological issues like anxiety, depression and stress.
You may be unable to achieve orgasm and suffer from inadequate vaginal lubrication before and during intercourse. You may also experience an inability to relax the vaginal muscles for intercourse. Low desire for sex and pain during intercourse are the other problems that you may face.
Let us look at some of the sexual problems that a diabetic woman may face.
Vaginal dryness
Vaginal dryness is common in diabetic women. This is because, diabetes cause nerve damage. The nerves that lubricate your vagina may be damaged. This is a painful condition, especially during sexual activities. But it could also be due to decrease in oestrogen levels if you have reached the age for menopause.
Vaginal infections
Infections are common if you have diabetes. Urinary tract infections (UTIs), and yeast infections can lead to painful sex and vaginal dryness. The only solution here is  to seek prompt treatment for any infections. Also, it is important to keep your sugar levels under control to avoid such complications.
Low libido
Painful sex may put you off sex and you may avoid it altogether. This may manifest as low libido. But experts are not yet clear about what causes this condition yet.
Difficulty orgasming
This is very common in diabetic women. It could be due to a low libido or maybe nerve damage. There is not enough stimulation and pleasure to lead to an orgasm. In fact, women who take insulin for diabetes may be almost 80 per cent more likely to have trouble reaching an orgasm than women who don’t have diabetes.
So, you are diabetic, and you have sexual issues. Don’t despair. With the right strategy, you will be able to get your life back on track.
Seek medical help
Women find it difficult to talk to their doctors about sexual issues. But this is not right. Speak to your doctor and be frank about your issues. He can then figure out the causes. Sometimes, medications may also cause sexual problems as can unhealthy lifestyle and habits. Talk to your doctor openly so that he can start the right treatment.
Use lubrication
Today there are numerous lubricants easily available at the chemists. You can also  ask your doctor to prescribe one. If you have reached menopause, your doctor may recommend a low-dose oestrogen ring or cream that you can apply in your vagina.
Talk to your partner and try out new techniques. Explore other areas of your body and spend time on foreplay. All this will help you get in the mood.
Regular exercise will dramatically improve your sex life. It reduces stress and improves flexibility. Physical activities also release feel-good hormones in the brain and keeps you looking and feeling good.
Eat healthy
A diet that includes a lot of fruits, vegetables, potatoes, beans and whole grains are great for sexual health. Switch to a Mediterranean diet. It will improve blood sugar levels and also protect you from diabetes related disorders.
Be healthy
Take care of yourself. Control your blood sugar levels and keep your blood pressure and cholesterol in check. This will improve immunity and your  body will be better able to fight against infections.
Diabetes as such does not affect the fertility of a woman. But poor blood sugar control can cause miscarriages during the first trimester of pregnancy. If you are also overweight or have polycystic ovary syndrome, it may be difficult to get pregnant. Consult your doctor because these issues need medical attention.

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